AZDye 350 Azide (CCT-1267)

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This product was previously sold as 1004 from Fluoroprobes.


AZDye™ 350 is a blue-fluorescent, azide-activated probe that reacts with terminal alkynes via a copper-catalyzed click reaction (CuAAC). It also reacts with strained cyclooctyne via a copper-free click chemistry reaction to form a stable triazole and does not require Cu-catalyst or elevated temperatures.


Unit Size1 mg, 5 mg, 25 mg
Abs/Em Maxima346/445 nm
Extinction Coefficient
Spectrally Similar DyesAlexa Fluor® 350, CF® 350, DyLight 350, AMCA
Molecular weight437.47
SolubilityWater, DMSO, DMF
Purity>95% (HPLC)
AppearanceGrey to yellow solid
Storage Conditions-20°C. Desiccate
Shipping ConditionsAmbient temperature

Abs/Em Spectra


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