
This sugar is provided for use as an inhibitor of lectin-conjugate binding or for eluting glycoproteins or other glycoconjugates from columns of agarose lectins. This sugar is supplied as a dry powder. When reconstituted in 5 ml of water the resulting sugar solution is 400 mM.


More Information
Unit Size721 mg
ApplicationsGlycobiology, Affinity Chromatography
Recommended UsageReconstitute the sugar in 5 ml of distilled or deionized water or in 5 ml of a buffer (e.g. 10 mM HEPES buffered saline, pH 7.5-pH 8.0) or salt solution compatible with the lectin under study. If reconstituted in 5 ml, this sugar will be 400 mM.
Recommended StorageReconstituted sugar solutions should be stored frozen or stored at 4 ºC using sodium azide (0.08%) as a preservative.

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